NovaTron AI

V2.0 Update:  AI Video, Chat Training, Teams, Voiceover, and much more. Coming June 2024. Learn more.


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AI Updates

Keep yourself informed about the latest developments from Baco Co. Systems. Explore upcoming features and enhancements we are implementing to enhance your experience with NovaTron AI.

Version 2.0 Coming June 2024

Chatbot Training

Easily train NovaTron AI on your own data (website, PDF, text or even Q&A) and make your AI content exclusive to your brand.

Image to Video

Bring static images to life with seamless transitions, and professional-quality editing. Start crafting dynamic video narrative effortlessly in seconds.

AI Voice

Generate speech by creating a voice that perfectly mirrors yours. Utilize this cloned voice to produce speech in another language seamlessly.

AI Vision

Simply upload images and let NovaTron provide you with detailed insights and information. Unlock the full potential of your visuals

Unlock the Power of Team Collaboration

Foster AI team collaboration by emphasizing effective communication, shared goals, and a culture of innovation. Empowering teams to openly share ideas, feedback, and knowledge to boost productivity and creativity. Easily tackle challenges from various angles and fuel innovation. Ready to inspire your team to collaborate and conquer?

Stay Prepared

Please note by default NovaTron AI's Version 2.0 update will automatically set the same plan type from Version 1.0 but version 1 data will not be available until requested by support. Any usage from V1 or V2 will be reflected on both platforms. NovaTron's help center will be updated with more information soon. 

Enhanced & Improved

Discover enhanced features powered by NovaTron AI Version 2.0 for a smoother, more intuitive journey. V1 armed you with the tools for success now V2 brings power upgrades to those same tools and much more. 

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